Blog — cleaning

The Benefits of Cloth Diaper Liners

Posted by Jason Rector on

The Benefits of Cloth Diaper Liners

Cloth diapering is experiencing a resurgence from health-conscious, eco-friendly new parents. And along with that trend, we’ve embraced a modern method to make cloth diapering a little more practical. Our favorite method is the cloth diaper liner which provides a convenient, mess-free way to address the poop problem with cloth diapering. Cloth diaper liner use is as easy as adding a small towel inside the diaper. Here, we’ll dig into the benefits of cloth diaper liners to help you make an informed decision that fits your specific diapering needs. What is a Cloth Diaper Liner A diaper liner is an...

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Best Tips for Removing Stains in Cloth Diapers

Posted by Jason Rector on

Best Tips for Removing Stains in Cloth Diapers

With so many different types of stains and various types of cloth diapers, you might be wondering how to remove stains or which stain remover will work best on your specific diaper. While there are some general rules, such as using bleach on white diapers and vinegar on colored diapers. The best way to remove stains in cloth diapers will vary based on what fabric your baby's wearing and what kind of material the diaper has been made from. You can do a few things to help prevent or remove stains in cloth diapers. First, make sure to wash them...

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