Best Tips for Removing Stains in Cloth Diapers
Posted by Jason Rector on

With so many different types of stains and various types of cloth diapers, you might be wondering how to remove stains or which stain remover will work best on your specific diaper. While there are some general rules, such as using bleach on white diapers and vinegar on colored diapers. The best way to remove stains in cloth diapers will vary based on what fabric your baby's wearing and what kind of material the diaper has been made from. You can do a few things to help prevent or remove stains in cloth diapers. First, make sure to wash them...
- Tags: cleaning, cloth diapers, stains
Beginners Guide to Cloth Diapers
Posted by Jason Rector on

Diapers are a crucial part of raising a baby. But choosing new diapers for your little one can be a daunting experience. The diapers you select primarily depend on your lifestyle and budget. With many options in the market, you need to consider factors such as comfort and ease of movement. For most new parents, deciding between disposable and cloth diapers is challenging. Disposables generate over 3.5 million tons of waste annually. Disposable diapers also take hundreds of years to decompose, making them unfriendly to the environment. Are you worried about the expense of disposable diapers? Then consider making the...