Blog — eco-friendly diapers
The Environmental Benefits of Using Cloth Diapers: A Sustainable Choice for Parents
Posted by Jason Rector on

Welcoming a newborn into the world is a joyful and transformative experience, but it comes with its fair share of challenges. For many parents, one of the biggest decisions revolves around diapers. With a newborn requiring up to 12 diaper changes a day, the choice between disposable and cloth diapers becomes a significant consideration. Keep in mind: this is not just for your convenience but also for long-term environmental impact, cost, and the well-being of your baby. Disposable diapers may seem like the simplest option at first glance, but their environmental toll and hidden costs can be too much. For...
Tips on Picking the Best Type of Cloth Diaper for You
Posted by Jason Rector on

Being a new parent comes with a lot of challenges like sleep deprivation, feeding dilemmas, and the challenge of balancing work and childcare. On top of everything, you will have so many options when it comes to diapering, that things can easily become overwhelming. More and more parents today go with the cloth diaper solution, as it offers an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative to disposable diapers, and finding the right type can make your diapering experience smoother and more enjoyable. Why Should You Pick Cloth Diapers? Because, quite simply, they are not what they used to be. Cloth diapers...
Cloth Diaper Sizing Guide
Posted by Jason Rector on

Cloth diapers are far from a new concept. Evidence of cotton strips being used for diapering purposes dates back the practice to around 4,000 BC. The cloth diaper we see today became a commercial product in the late 19th century and while the concept has evolved to offer more comfort and better protection, the premise remains the same. Choosing cloth diapers over disposable products allows you to enjoy numerous benefits but getting all these advantages depends on picking the right diaper design and making sure the size is also correct. The right size gives you the perfect fit and significantly...
How to Dispose of Waste from a Cloth Diaper
Posted by Jason Rector on

The environmental benefits of using cloth diapers are undeniable (in some instances the carbon footprint is almost 40 percent lower compared to the use of disposable diapers!) but many parents wondering about this sustainable choice worry about cleaning. After all, nobody is thrilled about having to deal with baby poop multiple times per day. The simple truth is that cloth diaper washing is a lot easier and much less messy than many parents anticipate it to be. Cleaning cloth diapers is all about following a couple of simple steps. The first and most important one is the removal of solid...
How to Strip Cloth Diapers
Posted by Jason Rector on

Nothing can be more frustrating than your cloth diapers smelling bad even after you’ve washed them. The fact is, stinky diapers reveal a serious problem: the buildup of ammonia and bacteria that can be harmful to your little one’s skin. If you think your diapers smell funny, it’s time to clean them immediately through a process called diaper stripping. Here, we learn what it means to strip cloth diapers, when it’s time to strip them, how to go about the process, and how to take preventive measures to avoid this icky buildup. What Does it Mean to Strip a Cloth...
- Tags: cleaning, cloth diapers, eco-friendly diapers, stains